General Information

Target audience

Graduates in medicine or life sciences interested in strengthening their knowledge and understanding in renal pathophysiology and research.

Admission requirements

A master degree or equivalent in medicine or life sciences is required. The courses are limited to a maximum of 24 persons.

Language and location

The course language is English. The University of Bern is the site for all courses with presence (kick-off and return face-to-face sessions and audits). Please check the respective modules and sessions under Timeline for additional information, possible exceptions and online access.


The fee for the CAS study programme is CHF 5’400.- [3000.-]: CHF 4’500.- [2500.-] for 5 modules and CHF 900.- [500.-] for the certificate, or 6 modules including the certificate.

The DAS study programme costs CHF 7’200.- [4000.-]: CHF 5400.- [3000.-] for 6 modules, and CHF 1800.- [1000.-] for the supervision of individually agreed activities, diploma thesis, and the certificate.

Single modules can be booked for a fee of CHF 900.- [500.-].
[nnn.-] reduced rate for academics and physicians

Endorsement of the programme

This programme is endorsed by the Swiss Society of Nephrology and by Young Swiss Nephrology (YSN).

Course websites at UZH and Unibe Continuing Education

UZH Continuing Education: CAS in Translational Nephrology
Continuing education programs: CAS in Translational Nephrology - University of Bern (

UZH Continuing Education: DAS in Translational Nephrology
Continuing education programs: DAS in Translational Nephrology - University of Bern (